There is a maximum of 25 rides that can be saved in mPaceline.
There are some limitations of the free version however. This means that you can download it from the App Store for free. Note that this will be blank at this time as no rides have been loaded. Do this as you would any other Apple App. The first step to using mPaceline is to download it from the App Store. Note that there are some features that are not available on the iPad because there is no support for Health Kit or Watch Kit on the iPad platform. MPaceline currently only runs on the Apple iOS platforms. The Peloton Bike is a fabulous product and mPaceline will help keep you motivated by providing you with data and graphs to highlight your progress. The overall goal was to create an app that could help demonstrate progress was being made towards your training objectives. MPaceline is a workout App specifically tailored for Peloton Riders.